Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Program for Working Professionals



Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

B.Tech- Refrigeration & Air Conditioning (RAC)is course that delivers a comprehensive knowledge of principles and practice of refrigeration. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning syllabus is related to the air conditioning and refrigeration process and working of different parts of cooling devices.

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning is all about the maintenance of different parts of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning devices. A student enrolled in Diploma in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning course learn various skills and grab knowledge related to the servicing and repair of refrigerators, air conditioners, air coolers, coolants of vehicles, etc.

  • Programme Features
  • Programme Structure
  • Eligibility
  • Learning Methodology
  • Fee Structure

    1. B.Tech-Refrigeration & Air Conditioning is a Work Integrated Learning Programme (WILP), recognized by UGC.
    2. The programme is of Seven semesters, with online classes conducted on weekends or after business hours. 
    3. Contact-less and safe Online exams facility.
    4. Lectures are delivered by faculty members and experienced industry professionals.
    5. The Dissertation in the final semester enables students to apply concepts and techniques learnt during course work to solve current environmental problems.
    6. The programme uses a Continuous Evaluation System that assesses the learners over convenient and regular intervals. Such a system provides timely and frequent feedback and helps busy working professionals stay on course with the programme.
    7. Participants who successfully complete the programme are awarded with Bachelor’s Degree in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning.

Programme Structure

    1. Working Professionals with Diploma in Engineering having minimum 45% marks or its equivalent.
    2. At least one year of work experience.
  • Live & Recorded Lectures with cutting-edge tutorials.

  • Interact and Collaborate with Peers and Faculty

  • Online Mentoring

  • Use of Multimedia and Open Educational Resources

  • 'Flipped' Classrooms

  • E-portfolio & Peer Assessment

  • Work Integrated Advantage

  • Experiential Learning

  • Academic & Industry Mentorship

  • Continuous Assessment

  • Dissertation/Project Work

    •  Application Fees (one time) : INR 1,000

    •  Semester Fees (per semester) : INR 36,000

    •  Examination Fees (per semester) : INR 1,000

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